Monday, Wednesday and Thursday

3 Satu Way Mornington Vic 3931
P: 0418 533 745

What to expect at your first appointment
At ‘Points of Healing’ I provide a comfortable and nurturing environment, offering unconditional safety and support throughout your treatment.
All of the treatments are for 1 hour, with your initial appointment between 1 and 1.25 hours.
I will get you to fill out some personal details on a short client form. All information you share is confidential and your personal information will be stored securely.
You will then be asked some questions to assess the most appropriate session to meet your needs, whether a Spiritual Counselling, or a Hahnemann Healing. You may decide to book in for a Mediumship Reading at another appointment.​
At all times I want your healing experience to be one where you have no concerns about the modality processes and how they may make you feel. I encourage you to discuss any questions or apprehensions that you may have prior to your session.
Hahnemann healing that I offer can be done whilst you are fully clothed and is carried out on the massage table.​ Generally it is recommended that you have a minimum of 3 consecutive treatments to experience the very best outcomes from the practice. Depending on individual needs, more treatments may be required for some. These appointments should be no closer than 5 days and no longer than 3 weeks apart for the best results. If suitable, we would schedule these appointments in at your first session. There is more information about Hahnemann Healing and what to expect under Services.
If you would like to talk about the modalities that I offer before making a decision on booking your first appointment, I would love to hear from you, please click here to call.